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Explaining BetScore

March 16, 2023 by Jeff Donchess


BetScore is an aggregated variable that compiles information from a wide range of factors to provide a single, weighted average score for a bet. It offers an easy way for users to gauge the general value of each bet available on GamedayMath. In this blog post, we'll be diving into the mechanics of BetScore's scoring system, detailing how it is calculated and how to use it.

The Scoring System: An Overview

The BetScore scoring system is based on a 0-100 scale, with higher scores indicating better bets. To calculate the BetScore, GamedayMath takes a variety of factors, assigns scores to them, converts them to a common scale, and then applies a unique weighting formula to generate a BetScore.

What Does the Scale Mean

The BetScore can be broken down by color or number and is designed to be familiar to user in all of these ways. We use a five-tier color system that goes from red (bad) to green (good). The number breakdown can be described as follows:

  • 90-100: Amazing bets! If the price is still available at the listed sportsbook, then this should be a no-brainer
  • 80-89: Excellent bets! These are still expected to be very profitable bets over the long-term
  • 74-79: Good bets! These are good bets, but ones that the user should take a much harder look at.
  • 67-73: Decent bets. We wouldn't blindly bet these, but there is possibly some value there.
  • 0-66: Avoid these bets.

BetScore: The Secret Sauce

BetScore isn't at all a simple calculation. Instead, it applies a unique weighting system that gives more importance to certain variables, and then computes the final variable. We use different aspects of AI and tools learned in the credit industry to make this happen.

While GamedayMath does not disclose the specific details of its formula, it has shown a lot of success in back testing!

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GamedayMath Intro

March 10, 2023 by Jeff Donchess

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