No-Vig Odds Calculator

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No-Vig Odds

Implied Odds 1
Implied Odds 2
No-Vig Odds 1
No-Vig Odds 2
Sportsbook Hold

Using Our No-Vig Odds Calculator

What are no-vig odds?

No-vig odds, also known as fair odds or true odds, are the odds of an event happening without the bookmaker's commission factored in. In other words, they represent the "true" probability of an event happening, without any additional fees or charges.

Why should I use no-vig odds?

No-vig odds can give you a more accurate representation of the true probability of an event happening, without the bookmaker's commission factored in. This can help you make more informed and profitable betting decisions. Additionally, comparing no-vig odds across different bookmakers can help you find the best value for your bets.

What are the different methods of calculating no-vig odds?

We focus on three different methods, however there are more methods that are popular with events that have more than three outcomes. The three that we focus on are the "Equal Margin" method, the "MPTO" method and the "Blend" method which is our default.

Why do you default to the Blend method?

The Equal Margin method, which is the most popular no-vig calculation struggles in contests where there are heavy favorites. The MPTO method is better with events that have heavy favorites, but isn't as good in events with teams that have similar odds. The Blend method is a nice happy medium.

How can I find no-vig odds for a particular event?

Our Nostradamus No-Vig odds can be found on our odds dashboard for a variety of events.